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August’s Black Philanthropy Month is a global celebration of the rich tradition of giving within the Black community. Winston-Salem’s Black Philanthropy Initiative (BPI), focuses on addressing needs in our local Black communities through grantmaking and programming. BPI is raising $2 million in the next three years to sustain its impactful grantmaking for years to come – please support these efforts! Davis met with Shamika Starke and Sheila Virgil this month. Shamika shared BPI updates, and Richard provided his thoughts and ideas for consideration as… we continue advancing BPI’s mission and strategic goals. “I was so inspired and energized after meeting with Mr. Davis. As a living BPI legend and founding member, it’s an honor to witness the inherent benevolence that drives his ideas and contributions and a double honor to see the gentle pride in his smile in response to BPI’s exponential growth since its inception 20 years ago,” says Shamika. This Black Philanthropy Month, BPI celebrates Richard Davis for the invaluable contributions of his time, talent, and treasure to support a community where we all thrive.