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WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (MARCH 18, 2024)—The City of Winston-Salem’s Public Assembly Facilities Commission voted today to update the names of two buildings at the Winston-Salem Fairgrounds. The former Fairgrounds Annex (also known as the Annex Ice Rink) is becoming the Fairgrounds Arena in Winston-Salem, and the former Fairgrounds Education Building will be known as the Fairgrounds Event Center. “The new names of these two key Fairgrounds rental facilities will create a stronger… connection to their function and enhance our ability to market naming rights for the buildings at a later time,” Mulhearn added. “For the foreseeable future, nothing will change associated with the two buildings other than their names. We will continue to host events such as Thunderbirds ice hockey at the Fairgrounds Arena and will announce our summer indoor concert series this week, which also will take place there.”