Author: Mitchells Nursery and Greenhouse

Here are more blooms for your yard or garden. Elderberries have healing properties in the berries and Scentsation Honeysuckle smells great! Plant some now! #seenatmitchells #summerflowers #summerfruit

Mums and lantana planters will brighten any porch or patio. #seenatmitchells #fallmums #falliscoming

A new crop of perennials are ready to plant. #seenatmitchells #perennials

Think fall and Christmas on this hot day! Poinsettias are potted and growing. Mums are starting to show color and sell. Perennials are starting to bloom and sell. Pansies and fall veggies are growing. #seenatmitchells #poinsettia #falliscoming

Add a beautiful hanging basket or planter to your porch or patio. #seenatmitchells #fallmums #summerflowers

More new plants at Mitchells. Colorful! Do you know these? #seenatmitchells #gardenlove

Check out the names of the plants. Interesting! #seenatmitchells #summerflowers

This is the day that the Lord has made. I will be glad and rejoice in it.

Morning everyone! We are potting Fall Pansies, cool weather vegetables, and perennials. Remember Fall is the best time to plant trees, shrubs, and perennials. #fallisforplanting #seenitatmitchells

Vote for Mitchells Nursery & Greenhouse for the best garden center in the Triad. You may vote daily until 8/29.…/ and/or Mitchell’s Nursery & Greenhouse Shopping Garden Center/Nursery 329 CODE TEXT TO VOTE # 336-502-6777

The first of our mums are starting to bloom and full of buds! Fall is on the way! #seenatmitchells #fallmums #falliscoming

Sunflowers make me smile! All of these are repeat bloomers! #seenatmitchells #FlowerPower

New flame thrower ? redbud! 15gal NICE!!

We have more flowering hanging baskets and containers for fresh plants to brighten your porch or patio. #seenatmitchells #summerflowers #flowersforheat

We have more trees and shrubs ready to plant- Dynamite Crape Myrtle, Jazz Hands Variegated Loropetalum, Golden soft Touch Holly, and dogwoods. #seenatmitchells

Ahhh Summer! ‘Tis the season for elderberries, grapes, blueberries, blackberries, figs, and raspberries. #seenatmitchells #berries #figs

Looking for a permanent Christmas Tree, grapevines, butterfly bush or planter for your patio? We have them. #seenatmitchells #fruits

Flowering hanging baskets are looking great at Mitchell’s Nursery! Do you need a fresh one? #seenatmitchells #summerflowers

Don’t these pics make you want more summer color? #seenatmitchells #summerflowers

Hostas not only add color with their foliage to a shady area, the blooms also add a pop of color from white to blue. some are also fragrant. #seenatmitchells #Hosta